








  时至今日,这件事也没有一个所谓的结论。但是我真心希望大家在留言区畅所欲言,发表看法。简单一句话,U can U BB.

  2.雅思考试也聊 noise


  Some people think that the amount of noise people make should be controlled strictly, while others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both views and give your opinion.20150117


  其实不仅仅是雅思写作,在以前的口语考试中noise也是part one里面较为常见的话题。其具体设计的小问题如下:

  Is the place where you work or study noisy?

  ●Occasionally, where I study/work has some noise especially the noise from the vehicles outside, since our room is next to the street. Therefore, I sometimes can’t concentrate well due to the noise, so the sound that I hate is continuous noise disturbing people a lot.

  What kind of sound do you like?

  ●Exactly speaking, the sound that I’m fond of is the sound from music which provides me with a sense of being peaceful. I can feel more energetic and enthusiastic to both my life and my study/work after listening to it.

  Is your home noisy?

  ●Yes, if the neighbors upstairs remodel their apartments, it can really disturb us a lot, but we can do nothing since every home needs remodeling, and we should understand each other. Therefore, tolerance is rather essential to all of us.

  Do you think the world is noisier and noisier?

  ●I suppose so, and the reason in my point is that there will be more inventions besides planes, vehicles and loudspeakers, and many things can cause noise. Anyway, I hope the future can be less noisy because of some anti-noise inventions if possible.


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