
雅思话题 Part 3 A history of AI.


AI 现在可以说是当下雅思口语考试中比较棘手的题目啦!

Will AI replace human labor in the future?

Will AI have emotions?

Do you trust AI?

Can AI replace teacher in the future?




The history of AI

BC: talos   公元前的塔罗斯


相传宙斯曾创造了四代人类:黄金、白银、青铜、黑铁。塔罗斯是铜人,塔罗斯是铜人,属于青铜一代(the bronze generation)大部分典籍说它全身青铜铸就,所向无敌。只有一根血管,从颈部通下,直到膝盖处以铜钮遮掩,上面只有层薄板。它通过扔石头的方式用于守卫克里特岛不受外来船只的侵害。

According to Greek mythology, Talos was a giant automaton made of bronze, for the purpose of guarding the island of Crete by throwing stones at passing ships.

Charles Babbage, if not the history of AI, then at least the history of computers, began with him.

查尔斯·巴贝奇,FRS(Charles Babbage,1791-1871),英国数学家、发明家兼机械工程师,被视为计算机先驱。

In the 1830s, Charles Babbage created a design for the Analytical Engine 分析引擎. The product was finally built 153 years later. It wasn’t a design for an AI machine, of course, but today is considered to be the forerunner 先兆;先驱者 of the digital computer.

AI 人工智能的开发,目前被分为两个派别, 第一个相信AI需要通过符号和逻辑系统实现,另一个派别(McCulloch and Pitts)相信我们需要做的就是模仿大脑的功能。最近埃隆马斯克在这一方面更近了一步,通过一种柔软电极作为连接(thread) 将人脑和机器相连,向想象中的赛博世界 Cyborg World 更近了一步。

图灵传记电影的名字起的很有意思 --- 模仿游戏

艾伦·麦席森·图灵 Alan Mathison Turing,又译阿兰·图灵,1912-1954是英国计算机科学家、数学家、逻辑学家、密码分析学家和理论生物学家,他被视为计算机科学与人工智能之父。

著名的图灵测试 :测试者通过电脑屏幕的交流方式判断对方是AI与否

Alan Turing proposes a test for ascertaining whether a computer can think like a human. Turing test was based >The Turing Test.’



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